Beach Wedding Photography Workshop

In June I held my third styled photo shoot / Portfolio Builder at Formby Beach. It was an absolute blast! I can’t believe every time it feels better, but that’s natural progression. On potentially one of the hottest and longest days of the year myself and my 5 amazing attendees met in the early evening with a plan to shoot until sunset.

One of the reasons I love hosting workshops is that I get to watch people grow in confidence so fast. It’s so important to be that everyone gets on and vibes from each other, no matter how shy or loud, everyones got equal time, space and respect. I always start by allowing people to have one on one time with the model. This for me encourages each person to provide the lovely bride with clear direction. It’s something I know I found hard when I first started as a wedding photographer. You think you know what looks good, what doesn’t, then you get your right and left mixed up and feel like a wally. Having one on one time with the model helps you build the confidence in talking and shooting. So on a wedding day you can chat to your couples, making them feel relaxed while you find the perfect light, moment and composition to be shooting in.

As I’ve been to Formby beach numerous times now it was really important for me to find new locations to shoot. We walked the same path I have many times before, through the woodland all the way down to the sand dunes. When you open your eyes and challenge yourself, new ideas of creativity come bursting out. Some of them worked and some didn’t. But for me it’s important to try, because I can. Because I have the time. If something doesn’t work, I’ll always ask myself why? Then in the future I can be quicker at making decisions and inevitably making them unconsciously.

One last secret.

Not only will you have some new friends for life. You’ll get some kick ass photos you can’t wait to show off.

New workshop dates are released to the mailing list only. What are you waiting for? GET. SIGNED. UP.

    By ticking this box you are also agreeing to be added to my mailing this to hear about future workshops and training.

Creative photograph of a bride in the woodlandFlash lit photograph of a bride in the sea with the waves coming around herBride laughing with flowing hair in the woods Bride sat with sunlight behind her on a woodland shoot Creative reflected silhouette of a bride and groom in woodland Bride sat in a tree on a woodland photoshoot Bride walking into the sea on a beach Alternative wedding dress ideas for beach wedding


    By ticking this box you are also agreeing to be added to my mailing this to hear about future workshops and training.

Thank you so much for checking out Beach Wedding Photography Workshop. I absolutely love documenting natural and raw emotion at a wedding. If you're getting married, massive congratulations! I bet you can't wait to start wedding planning! Be sure to check out my brand new wedding planning podcast below and you're looking for a photographer you can get in touch here!